Area:Desert of Despair

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Desert of Despair
Builder: *Isiel*
Date Added:
Continent: Lyme [LY]
Run to Area: open an ornate bottle on Lyme
Repop Time:

The Desert of Despair lies in a far off corner of the world which is not directly accessible by land or air. Dry scorching winds and endless sandy dunes dominate the area which is both dangerous and hostile to the weak or unknowing. The city/state of Omah lies deep within this area and a vast mountain range borders the endless sands.

Adventurers Note: This land is no-gate, meaning you cannot gate to other players, cast lloyd's beacon, or create magic ropes. There are however a couple of rooms in which this can be done.

Quick Notes

Adjacent Areas

                                Temple of Yuan-Ti  U
                                                | /
                                           W ---+--- E
                                              / |      
                                             D  S

General Notes & Tips