MUDL:check saves petrification

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Function Name check_saves_petrification
Settable No
Returns Boolean

Parameter Options
Victim (character)
Victim (character), Attacker (character)
Victim (character), Attacker (character), Modifier (integer)

This function performs a saving throw roll for the Victim and returns True if the save is successful. If the Attacker is specified, any saving throw modifiers on the Attacker will adjust the roll. In addition, a Modifier can be specified to make the roll easier (positive value) or harder (negative value).


setproc <mobile> # every_round
if (target(%c),
    if (!check_saves_petrification(target(%c), %c, 0),
        msg_character(target(%c), '$N has petrified you!', %c),
        affect(target(%c), 'petrify',
             'location=petrified level=' + level(%c) +
             ' seconds=120'),

