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This MUDL function gets called when:

  • The room containing the MUDL procedure is created (boot)
  • The area containing the MUDL procedure is created (boot)
  • The mobile containing the MUDL procedure is created
  • The procedure's PROC_ENABLED value is set to a non-zero value.

This is the perfect spot to initialize variables in the MUDL script. For mobiles, the constructor is called after the mobile is placed in a room.

Command Syntax

addproc <room|mobile|area> mudl
setproc <room|mobile|area> ## construct

Global Variables

The following global variables are available:

Name Type Description
 %c Character The mobile that the MUDL script is attached to. This value is null if the script is attached to a room or object.
 %o Object The object that the MUDL script is attached to. This value is null if the script is attached to a room or mobile.
 %room Room The room in the game where the script is being run. This value may be null if the script is attached to an area and the entry point does not involve a command or player action.
 %area Area The area (zone) in the game where the script is being run.
 %parent Character or Object or Room or Area The in-game element that the MUDL script is attached to. It will be identical to one of %c, %o, %room, or %area.
 %procedure_index Integer The index of the current MUDL procedure on the %parent variable.

Return Values

The constructor's return value is ignored.