
From WikiName
Revision as of 06:13, 23 February 2011 by *Chobbs* (talk | contribs)
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1. This is highly experimental/beta!  Take the information here with a grain of salt.  Things are highly subject to change.

2. Immortals have final say in everything.

3. This is not a forum; take that to crier (or at least the relevant talk pages).  Keep discussions to discussion pages, not onto any of the main pages.  This is intended primarily as an information repository, and should remained as unbiased as possible.  

4. Keep it PG-13.  

5. No full quest details, just quest giver and reward in the appropriate sections.  Debating adding quest giver section to area pages, still haven't decided.

Page Addition Guidelines

Pages: Abilities Help Files

  • Include all the categories, regardless of if the relevant spell/song/skill uses them all. Does not apply to generic help files, but adding See Also: would be nice
    • Usually the file will have already been created. If it hasn't been made, check your spelling FIRST, before making a new page. Then check the ingame spelling!
    • Some are currently rather embarrassingly devoid of content, namely the ones that simply state "Area version of X spell". Fill them out please!
  • Additional notes are just that, additional notes. Do not reiterate the help file again, or paraphrase/translate it into anything like simple breakdown of effects (e.g. try to avoid directly saying "armor gives you -2.0 more ac, lion chorus gives you exactly +whatever to damage", &c)
  • Not every page needs additional notes; most files are clear enough for those with half a brain (even to those holding someone else's half!)
  • Keep it short! Break long entries into smaller ones

Pages: Areas

  • If you feel compelled, feel free to write a little story/description of the area based on the ingame area descriptions. Be nice. The original builder, should they still be around, has final say.
  • Quick Notes section just for notes that would usually be written on the map itself
    • examples include keys to get into the area, water breathing/fly warnings, aggro/patrol warnings, &c
    • this is not the section to mention 'great mobs to hit' or strategies. Add those to General Notes and Tips
  • NO equipment/equipment stats &c. That's what eqlist is for. Mentioning one or two prize pieces in the area is acceptable (no stats, just link the eq to eqlist)
    • format is short name . Poor template is case-sensitive!

Works in progress:

  1. Honor related stuff, including epics/raid mobs, legend of fathmori, helpfiles
  2. Quest page format isn't done as of this writing
  3. Game Mechanics page needs to be done, newbie guide needs to be formatted as well
  4. Summoned creatures page too. Thinking if each one needs their own page. Supplicants/awakens definitely need a page of their own