SlothClient:User Guide

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This guide was designed to provide end-users with information on how to use SlothClient - a package for Mudlet that contains triggers and functions tailored to SlothMUD.


If you haven't already, you should check out the following articles before continuing through this one:


The SlothClient package for Mudlet contains a number of triggers, variables, and scripts to provide automation when playing SlothMUD. The package is designed to allow players to enable or disable desired features and to customize the client without breaking new features during upgrades.

Console Commands

Console commands are used to change settings within the console. All console commands start with the backtick character (`). The sections below contain instructions on using the console to modify the SlothClient behavior.

Trigger Groups

A number of triggers are implemented in SlothClient. These triggers will automatically send one or more commands to the server if matching text is received.

Group Based Triggers

These triggers will fire only if in a group.

Name Default Setting Features
GroupAssistOnRescue True If the player is rescued during combat, they will auto-assist the person who rescued them.
GroupAssistOnStab True If a player in the group stabs a mobile, the player will auto-assist the stabber.
GroupCastLeader True If the group leader issues a grouptell for an often used spell (undead visage, water breathing, spectral shield, etc), the player will cast that spell on themselves. It also enables gating to mobiles.
GroupFollowLeader True The player will follow the leader through various non-standard exits and portals and will respond to the "all up" and "regen" group tells.
GroupManeuverBack True The player will automatically issue "maneuver back" commands if the group is thrown into chaos. This trigger group is automatically disabled if the player enters the command "man up", or if they take the point position, or if the leader moves the player to the front line. The trigger group is automatically enabled if the player enters the command "man back" or if the group leader moves the player to the back line.
GroupObeyLeader False The player will respond to orders sent by the group leader either via "grouptell <player> <command>" or "order <player> <command>"
GroupWarcry True The player will join warcries.

Location-based Triggers

The following triggers are designed to fire at specific locations:

Name Default Setting Features
BankDepositAll False Deposits all coins when entering a bank.
BoatAutoExit False Exits a boat or dragon when arriving at the destination.

Console Commands

Trigger Groups can be enabled or disabled via the "`enable" and "`disable" console commands.


`disable BankDepositAll

`enable BoatAutoExit

Manual Settings

The current enabled/disabled configuration for these triggers is stored in the Settings.Triggers global variable. It is saved between sessions in a file specific to the character name provided at login.



Additional Resources